Sunday, 5 June 2011

Gaudi and surrealism : Production managment Project Unit 3

The way how i managed my work and meeting dealines was that i had drawn out a production schedule which enables me to put down dates as i go along and plan ahead wiritng in dealine dates so i see what i'm suppose to be doing on what day or week and when my work should be finished by. The prodution schedule was divided in coloumns and rows so that i could see what task i was on and what was ment to be done in that task also if had completed it i had a checklist column where i could tick of each thing as i went along.

this helped me alot as it kept me on track with my work
another managment technique i had was the production log.
In the production log for each date or week i can evaluate my self and my work to see how things went and what i struggled on.
However i Found it quiet to stick to my production management skills because i left everytthing to last minuite which made me rush the work and didnt really have time to think it through. From this my work wasnt really at its best quality which it could be if i hadnt rushed it.
In the future i will then make sure that i follow through in sticking to a production schedule plan so i dont miss any deadlines, from this i see value now in organising my time as i know you gain alot more in knowledge and i think my work through more so no mistakes are made.

Gaudi and surrealism : Designing Idents for Television Unit 31 / unit 65

For this unit i was told to    - Based on the concepts that you developed in pre-production, take ONE of the animations (3D or 2D) that you are developing and create a TV ident that can loop for 30 seconds featuring the phrase BARCELONA 2011. Ensure that you: * Render to PAL D1 Quantel 720 x 576 * Render as an .avi sequence

For this unit i made a simple yet effective tv ident ad. I used the programs such as illustrator cs4 and also flash cs4 to complete this animation.
In illustrator i created each letter as a bevel extruded text layer which i then imported into flash cs4.
Each layer i then placed a different letter this was so that i could animate each letter seperately i also added an image backdrop of barcelona to the animation and coloured the text red and yellow alternating between each one.

I made several motion tweens in flash to move the text from being jumbled to placing them in their right positions

Overall i found this task easy as i was confident using illustrator but was abit shaky in flash as i wasnt sure of what i was doing in order to make motion tweens but i played around and found the tool in the end.

Gaudi and surrealism : Graphic Narrative Production Unit 53

For thisUnit i had to  - Using an appropriate style and techniques, produce a DIGITAL COMIC STRIP that combines: * ORIGINAL DRAWING and DIGITAL EDITING techniques that tells the story of either Antonio Gaudi’s or Salvador Dali’s life * In 12 frames/windows for a British visitor to Spain.

When i first got give this assignment i already had an idea in my head of what i wanted my timeline to look like so i researched Salvador Dali's life as he was one of the more easier artists to do as he was more popular, i then scanned for all the important dates in his life and wrote down what image i have have for those 12 main dates.

I then started to ceate my timeline in flash. The idea i had was to do a movie strip type frame outline so it looked more suited for the assignment and what it was about. I then edited each frame in photosho and placed it in flash to add the remaining little animation tweeks for the finishing product. I also created an intro title and and outro title which signified the start and ending of the mini movie timeline.
 Overall i found this assignment farley easy as i was confident and knew what i was doing.

Gaudi and surrealism : Motion Graphics & Compositing Unit 62

This unit i had to Produce two short sequences animated text in 3D using the words SURREALISM, DALI and ARCHITECTURE, GAUDI. They should be: * Rendered as .tif files with an alpha channel * Must be composited (layered) over backplates that will be provided.

The way how i started this was by looking at fonts for which i thought suited the type of artist, one fonr for Salvador dali and one font dor Antonio Gaudi.
Next i had to find 2 large images from the web of paintings or work from the artists. The reason why the images had tobe large was so that it could scale around the work when you apply the texture in maya.
i found this image for salvador dali:
 and here this is the image i found for antonio gaudi one of his work pieces:
In Maya now we had to create a extruded or beveled text using the text polygon tool. This i found very easy as our teacher had given us straight forward instrutions and thaught us through it. After we created our text and added the texture image to the layer we then then renderd the text and finished it of in combustion another 3d model software by auto desk. I found the combustion part of the whole unit quiet hard because it was a new software that i wasnt used to. If ihad been more familiar with the software i feel that i could have done much better on my work and improved it.
Here is the finished product of the Salvador Text:

and here is my finished renderd text motion for Antonio Gaudi:

Gaudi and surrealism : Digital Graphics for Interactive Media Unit 18

In this unit we had to create 3 banners realating to surrealism or the project overal which would be suited for the web.
I first done initial reasearch to find out what banner was and look more into detail how they were used. From that i found out the type of formats you culd export web banners as then i began to draft my ideas as 3 storyboards in my sketchbook.
 this is the image of the story boards 1 & 2 for the banners that i had started.

 One of the ideas i had for my banner was to ust have a skull cracking sayin surrealism. As the skull was one of salvador dali's work and he is a well known surrealism artist. I also added a backgound similar to his in the skull painting and painted it with a cartoon effect in photoshop. Then i added it to the flash library and started to animate it on each keyframe. The specification for this banner is: (see below image)
POP UNDER (720X300)
SIZE: 11.8 KB (12,149 bytes)
The reason i chose to do a Pop Under banner was because i felt that it was a good size in which i could fit all my designs in and the graphics animation would ru smoothly and the audience could view it.
The second  and 3rd banner that i did wasnt animated as much as the 1st one as the first one was a swf flash document the other 2 are gifs which was more of an image based type animation not too complicated as the swf.
This is the second banner that i did which was a leaderboard size, the reson for this isze is because its one of the most poular on websites as it doesnt take up alot of space on the pag and its eyecatching because its one the 1st things a visitor to the site see's. This time i added red and yellow stripes to represent the colours on the barcelona flag with a text sayin saying surrealism. The specification for this banner is:
SIZE: 14.7 KB (15,143 bytes)
 This is benner 3 in this banner i also used gif format but this time created a Pop under type banner abit more squared in size. The banner was just one of salvador dali's paintings of the cloud in the eyes which i made animate in the pupil and move around like a real eye in photoshop. The specification for this banner is:
SIZE: 64.6 KB (66,235 bytes)

Overall i think that this assigment was varley easy apart from the idea storyboarding as i didnt know what i wanted to do at 1st and it took me quiet a while to think of 3 ideas. The making process was the part i enjoyed the most and my favourite banner of all 3 has to be the 3rd banner as it is simple and effective.

Gaudi and surrealism : 3D evirontments unit 66

One of our assignments was to create a 3D environtment in Maya for our 3D model.
I had alread done a rough sketch of my 3D plan in my sketchbook to help me draft my idea and tools that i would be needing in order to complete it.
Here is an image of my plan from my sketchbook:

i drew out a birdseye view, side view and front view different camera angles of what my environmnent should look like when i create it in maya.
i also drew a daytime and a night time view, some objects that my environment would feature such as tree's, rocks, bushes, grass which this made the enirontment look more realistic. In my sketch i had to include a texture box of which we would apply to our objects when using the software autodesk maya there was also a primary and secondary animation list such as wind

The next task was to put our idea and create it in Maya the 3d modelling software. I made several basic shapes such as polygons and spheres and cubes which i then played around with  and molded to make the shapes look more like the objects.
Here i added textures in hypershade such as sand for th e floor, a bush leaf texture for the tree's and a sky cloud texture for the globe to signify daytime.
I made lumps in the floor to look like rocks instead of making separate shapes for the rocks as i found this more easier this also looked more realistic. 

Overall i found the sketchbook work of drawing the environment plans the most difficult task as it was easier said than done. I had the idea in my head but to draft it out on paper was hard, on the other hand in maya it was more easy as i already knew most of the tools in the software and i was used to working with them so i familiarised my self which made the task of creating my eniroment more easier to complete.

This image is one of Salvador Dali's work which inspired me in my work to do my own. 
i like the fact that the skull has faces through faces very surrealist my favorite piece of his work.