Sunday, 5 June 2011

Gaudi and surrealism : Graphic Narrative Production Unit 53

For thisUnit i had to  - Using an appropriate style and techniques, produce a DIGITAL COMIC STRIP that combines: * ORIGINAL DRAWING and DIGITAL EDITING techniques that tells the story of either Antonio Gaudi’s or Salvador Dali’s life * In 12 frames/windows for a British visitor to Spain.

When i first got give this assignment i already had an idea in my head of what i wanted my timeline to look like so i researched Salvador Dali's life as he was one of the more easier artists to do as he was more popular, i then scanned for all the important dates in his life and wrote down what image i have have for those 12 main dates.

I then started to ceate my timeline in flash. The idea i had was to do a movie strip type frame outline so it looked more suited for the assignment and what it was about. I then edited each frame in photosho and placed it in flash to add the remaining little animation tweeks for the finishing product. I also created an intro title and and outro title which signified the start and ending of the mini movie timeline.
 Overall i found this assignment farley easy as i was confident and knew what i was doing.

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